Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hot Wheels News for 2011

This information just in, can be viewed at  According to the Hot Wheels Collector site, if I understand correctly, the Birthday and Valentine's cars will not be issued in single packs in 2011.  Cars of the Decades will be available at Walmart.  Mardi Gras & St. Patrick's day will be available at Kroger & Fred Meyer's.  Easter & Christmas cars will be at Walmart.  Target will have 5-packs for Valentine's, Easter, Halloween & "Winter".  Kmart & Toys R Us will have mail-in promotions throughout the year.  This information is available at the Hot Wheels Collector site.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to find the diecast vehicle you are looking for at the right price.

Type the brand name and the car name into your browser.  Then, at the top, click on shopping.  Then, in the top right corner click on the box that says relevance and change it to lowest to highest.

Last Kmart/Sears Collector Day Event for 2010 on 11/6

What:  Kmart/Sears Collector Day Event
When:  Saturday, November 6, 2010 @ 9:00 AM Local Time
Where:  U.S. Kmart stores & participating Sears stores

I missed the last Kmart collector day event, but, hopefully I won't miss another one.  Hope to see you there.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Desert Diecast

Desert Diecast is a new store on eCrater.  eCrater is a site on the internet where anyone can set up an online store for free.  I'm really into "free".  I had a store on eBay for a few years and was doing well until eBay raised the fees.  The fees really take a pretty good chunk of cash.

If you want to make a lot of money on the internet, this is definitely not the way to do it.  There really is not enough markup on $1 little toy cars to make a living reselling.  It is a really fun hobby though and I always end up with a lot of the same cars.  So, having a free store is a great fit.

I've been told that, "You'll never get rich working for someone else".  And, Famous Amos said, start from where you are.  So, I'm starting.  Maybe some day I will discover the pet rock.

Desert Diecast is at   There are only around 25 listings right now, but, hope to have around 400 by Thanksgiving.

I've never blogged before, so, this will be another learning experience.

Collecting Matchbox and Hot Wheels is a great low-budget hobby with very low investment and practically no skills needed.